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Navigating by URL

Navigate by URL, including Service Portal, and Workspaces

Jonathan Jacob

Left Hand Navigation - new form in existing frame

table_name.form - new form in existing frame

table_name.list - list in existing frame

table_name.LIST - list in new window

table_name.FILTER - list in new window, but sysparm_filter_only=true

table_name.CONFIG - Configure All in new window

URL Navigation [Fulfiller view]

{TABLE}{QUERY} - List View of a Table

{TABLE}{QUERY} - List View of a Table

{TABLE}.do?sys_id={SYS_ID} - Record

{TABLE}.do?sys_id={NUMBER} - Works for most tasks (based on the display value)

URL Navigation [Portal view]

Navigation is possible to a page or portal

Navigating by Portal Navigating by portal displays the portal including the header, footer, and theme defined by the portal.

{PORTAL_SUFFIX}?id={PAGE} [ex: tickets, sc_home, index]

{PORTAL_SUFFIX}?id={PAGE}&sys_id={RECORD ID} [ex: sc_category, sc_cat_item]

{PORTAL_SUFFIX}?id={PAGE}&sys_id={RECORD ID}&table{table}= [ex: ticket]

Navigating by the page excludes the header/footer and theme. This is useful for standalone widget pages.


Other URL Parameters

  • sysparm_view use a specific view to load the list or form
  • sysparm_filter_only (Do not fetch the list contents useful if the table is large and will take a while to be loaded ex: sys_log, sys_email, etc...)
  • sysparm_order specifies field to sort by
  • sysparm_order_direction specifies the sorting direction (desc, asc)
  • sysparm_group_sort sort a list that is grouped (COUNT, COUNTDESC)

URL Navigation [Workspaces/Experiences]

Workspaces have a similar but slightly different pattern, additionally since pages and parameters are defined on page by page level, they differ between workspaces.

Base Workspace/Experience Suffix:

Workspaces created by ServiceNow will have the /now/ suffix appended after the instance URL.

/now/{WS_SUFFIX}/{PAGE_ID}/{TABLE}/{SYS_ID} [ex: /now/sow/record/interaction/a513653f1bcd0e1000a00fe0604bcbe2]